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Stephanie Villet Berman
Santa Monica, California
Email -
Phone + Text - (310) 753-3373


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Associates of Arts (A.A.) with Honors, Certificate of Achievement -  
Interior Architectural Design I, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA (Fall 2013)  


Parsons School of Design, evenings, New York, NY - graphic design (2 1/2 years)

SUNY Buffalo and SUNY Potsdam, Buffalo and Potsdam, NY - art, liberal arts (3 years)

Real Estate Salesperson License, Department of Real Estate, CA (2006) Inactive


           I grew up attending public school in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California, while spending my summers in the countryside of upstate New York. I experienced the diversity of an emerging Southern California melting pot combined with the simplicity and bucolic beauty of rural northern New York.
It is also the collection of experiences ever since that have (and continue to) influence me. Albeit a mixed bag of universities, art schools, vocational study, various employment -- it is these very experiences and studies that have allowed me to see the world, or "humanity," with a seasoned, enlightened
and more insightful eye.
I studied art and commercial art and worked in the graphic design industry. However, it is the three-dimensional aspect and functional necessity of interior design that has drawn me nearer and nearer to this industry.

I am constantly attracted to the relationship of man-made spaces and surfaces to how we function. Whether the structures we occupy are highly designed or happenstance, well-planned or what is available -- our lives are forever seasoned, ordered and dictated by them. Just as equally, they are an organic and very living 
reflection of us.

To design a space that is an extension and collaboration of the lives we lead must be one of the most fundamental callings and pursuits one can choose. I do believe it: A "great space" can truly transport . . .  just about anyone.

© 2023 Stephanie Villet Berman Interior Design Services

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